Refer to Earn
DA Now!

Simply refer people to our Browser Based Metaverse Portals & receive 25% of successful NFT sales in ₳DA! Use income to fund your Projects or Lifestyle!

Invite new visitors to our Browser Based Metaverse Portals, Build your network and get paid

Grow a large referral network and get a steady flow of income for the future. Also, you will get an additional % from your network's referrals.

Welcome To Our Referral Program!
Our program is free to join, it's quick and easy to create your account, and get your magic link, good news! this requires no technical knowledge.

When you join our Referral program, you will be supplied with a range of marketing tools including banners and text links that you place in your website, emails and social media. When one of your network contacts clicks on one of your links, they will be brought to our website and their activity will be tracked by our Refer to Earn System.

Real-Time Statistics and Reporting!
Login 24 hours a day to check your sales, traffic, account balance and see how your Marketing tools are performing. Click here to join us & start earning...,

Passive Income

"Refer to Earn" marketing offers the opportunity to generate passive income. Once you've set up your promotional strategies and established a consistent audience base, you can earn commissions without continuously trading your time for money. Your "Referral Links" links continue to work for you, even while you're not actively promoting, allowing for potential earnings around the clock.

Flexibility & Freedom

"Refer to Earn" Marketing provides significant flexibility. You have the freedom to choose your working hours, work from anywhere with an internet connection, and manage your business according to your schedule. This flexibility is ideal for individuals seeking a side hustle or those who prefer a work-life balance that traditional employment may not offer.

Zero Startup Costs

One of the most attractive aspects of "Refer to Earn" Marketing is that it requires no cost to start. You don't need to create your own products, manage inventory, or handle customer service. Our Referral Program is Free to Join & no upfront costs! Because we do all the heavy work. This minimises financial risk, allowing you to focus on networking, marketing and generating sales.

Does "Referral Marketing" Work?


If "Referral Marketing" was not highly successful for both the person refering the product or service and the person or business supplying them, the following massive businesses would not be running their own "Referral Programs".


What is a referral program?

A referral program is a marketing strategy where individuals or entities (affiliates) promote a product or service and earn a commission for each sale or action generated through their unique referral link.

How do referral programs work?

Referrers receive a unique tracking link or code from our website after you register. When someone uses this link to make a purchase or take a desired action, the referrer earns a commission.

Is it free to join a referral program?

Yes, most referral programs are free to join. referrers earn commissions without incurring any upfront costs.

How are referral commissions paid? sum ...

Commissions are paid in digital currency directly into your wallet according to the program's terms.

Can I participate in multiple affiliate programs at the same time?

Yes, you can join multiple affiliate programs simultaneously, promoting different products or services to diversify your income.

Do I need a website to be an referral marketer?

While a website can be beneficial, it's not always required. Referrers can use various online platforms, including social media, email marketing, and blogs, to promote products.

How can I track my referral earnings and performance?

We  provide a dashboard where you can login, track clicks, conversions, and commissions in real-time.

Is there a minimum payout threshold for referral commissions?

Yes, most affiliate programs have a minimum payout threshold, which is the minimum amount you must earn before receiving a payout.

R2E | Refer to Earn
DA Now!

Simply refer people to our Browser Based Metaverse Portals & receive 25% of successful NFT sales in ₳DA! Use income to fund your Projects or Lifestyle!

Invite new visitors to our Browser Based Metaverse Portals, Build your network and get paid

Grow a large referral network and get a steady flow of income for the future. Also, you will get an additional % from your network's referrals.

Welcome To Our Referral Program!
Our program is free to join, it's quick and easy to create your account, and get your magic link, good news! this requires no technical knowledge.

When you join our Referral program, you will be supplied with a range of marketing tools including banners and text links that you place in your website, emails and social media. When one of your network contacts clicks on one of your links, they will be brought to our website and their activity will be tracked by our Refer to Earn System.

Real-Time Statistics and Reporting!
Login 24 hours a day to check your sales, traffic, account balance and see how your Marketing tools are performing. Click here to join us & start earning...,

Passive Income

"Refer to Earn" marketing offers the opportunity to generate passive income. Once you've set up your promotional strategies and established a consistent audience base, you can earn commissions without continuously trading your time for money. Your "Referral Links" links continue to work for you, even while you're not actively promoting, allowing for potential earnings around the clock.

Flexibility & Freedom

"Refer to Earn" Marketing provides significant flexibility. You have the freedom to choose your working hours, work from anywhere with an internet connection, and manage your business according to your schedule. This flexibility is ideal for individuals seeking a side hustle or those who prefer a work-life balance that traditional employment may not offer.

Zero Startup Costs

One of the most attractive aspects of "Refer to Earn" Marketing is that it requires no cost to start. You don't need to create your own products, manage inventory, or handle customer service. Our Referral Program is Free to Join & no upfront costs! Because we do all the heavy work. This minimises financial risk, allowing you to focus on networking, marketing and generating sales.

Does "Referral Marketing" Work?


If "Referral Marketing" was not highly successful for both the person refering the product or service and the person or business supplying them, the following massive businesses would not be running their own "Referral Programs".


What is a referral program?

A referral program is a marketing strategy where individuals or entities (affiliates) promote a product or service and earn a commission for each sale or action generated through their unique referral link.

How do referral programs work?

Referrers receive a unique tracking link or code from our website after you register. When someone uses this link to make a purchase or take a desired action, the referrer earns a commission.

Is it free to join a referral program?

Yes, most referral programs are free to join. referrers earn commissions without incurring any upfront costs.

How are referral commissions paid? sum ...

Commissions are paid in digital currency directly into your wallet according to the program's terms.

Can I participate in multiple affiliate programs at the same time?

Yes, you can join multiple affiliate programs simultaneously, promoting different products or services to diversify your income.

Do I need a website to be an referral marketer?

While a website can be beneficial, it's not always required. Referrers can use various online platforms, including social media, email marketing, and blogs, to promote products.

How can I track my referral earnings and performance?

We  provide a dashboard where you can login, track clicks, conversions, and commissions in real-time.

Is there a minimum payout threshold for referral commissions?

Yes, most affiliate programs have a minimum payout threshold, which is the minimum amount you must earn before receiving a payout.

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